これまでプロにしかできなかった表現を、プロでない人々が行えるようにするインストゥルメントの開発、さらにその先の「表現の民主化」を目指しています。 簡単で直感的な操作によって、上質で多様な表現を得る、という理念を様々な表現領域に適用しています。
Democratization of Expression
We are committed to the development of instruments that make it possible for non-professionals to engage in creative expressions that were once limited to professionals. Further extending to what we call the "democratization of expression", we apply this philosophy across various fields. By providing easy and intuitive interfaces, we empower individuals to achieve high-quality and diverse outputs.

Taste and Olfactory Media
Traditionally, computer-mediated expression has focused primarily on audio-visual inputs and outputs. However, we believe that the future holds possibilities for expanding into the five senses, including touch, taste, and smell. Miyashita Lab is at the forefront of exploring these opportunities, particularly excelling in the field of taste media.

ChatGPTのようなLLM(Large Language Models)のAIは「表現の民主化」に大いに寄与する技術になると考えています。 AIを積極に利用して新しい表現を開拓したり、人とコンピュータ、あるいは人同士の新しい関係を構築するための模索を行っています。
Utilization of AI
Technologies like ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs) are considered major contributors to the "democratization of expression". We are actively leveraging AI to pioneer new forms of expression and to explore possibilities for constructing new relationships between humans and computers, as well as among humans themselves.

マウスやタッチパネルは、まだまだ使いやすい入力インタフェースとはいえません。 数理モデルによって使いやすさを最適化したり、3次元入力や視線入力、脳波入力など、次世代の入力インタフェースについての研究も行っています。
Next-Generation Interfaces
Current input interfaces like the mouse and touch panels are far from being optimally user-friendly. We are conducting research on next-generation input interfaces, optimizing user experience through mathematical models, and investigating 3D inputs, gaze inputs, and EEG signal inputs.